Courtesy of The Farragut Press

Each year, fifth graders at Tate’s School take a deep dive into the history of World War II. Jeff Swanson with The Five Oh First Group (TFOFG) and his team of WWII re-enactors come to campus to present a snapshot in time to the students. Swanson founded the TFOFG some twenty years ago with the goal to remember our veterans that served, capture the stories of the soldiers that participated in history at that time, and educate students by giving them hands-on learning experiences.

“World Word II was a defining time in our nation’s history. Getting to tell these stories in front of young people is a hands-on way to help them understand the hardships during that era,” said Swanson. Swanson and several others lead this group of approx. 30 re-enactors in this area.

TFOFG dresses in actual uniforms from the war and has several stations which will highlight different aspects of a soldier’s life. Students were able to try on helmets and parachutes used by paratroopers. In addition to personal gear, weaponry experts showcased German & American rifles, demolition boxes, ammunition (not live), and ammunition belts used during WWII. Walkie Talkies and operational field phones were also demonstrated.